Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Debunking a retarded poster on alt.assassination.jfk on google groups named mainframetech:

Here are a series of exchanges that mainframe and I had in regards to the 9/11 truther movement

I threw out the following video to illustrate some of idiot theories that people believe about 9/11


His response:

"This is typical 'hit' piece where the speaker give opinions and
downplays the original problem.  Here's an example of controlled
explosions (cutter charges) that cut off a column in the WTC:


  Here's where they are setting cutter charges which are normal explosives
for 'controlled demolition':


   Note the angle used by the workers.

   If there are any other 'proofs' let me know.


Well lets look at these points one by one:

http://i.imgur.com/8zymq7j.png mainframe throws out this image to illustrate "cutter charges" that were supposedly  placed on the support beams at the to effect a "controlled demolition" of WTC1 and WTC2

In fact the cut beams we see were cut during cleanup of the site


Here is another video of cleanup:


More evidence of cleanup


Take a look at the two videos at the bottom of the page.

More evidence on how the beams were cut:


And if you don't believe me, ask some welders:


Another good link:


In conclusion: Thermite reactions are used to WELD material not cut it.

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